Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How Can Employee Productivity Tracker Streamline Project Management?

 In today's dynamic work environment, where deadlines loom and resources are often stretched thin, managing diverse projects with remote employees is one of the biggest challenges for managers. However, a centralized employee productivity tracker can be your trusted ally to monitor how your employees utilize their time and resources. Since this tool provides insightful data in real-time, organizations can seamlessly navigate through the complexities with greater clarity regarding project progress. 

Imagine a situation wherein every activity of your employee is visible remotely and a dashboard that paints a clear picture of the team’s performance, hidden insights into workflow, and overall business strategies. Sounds too good to be true, right? An employee tracking solution frees managers from guesswork as it offers accurate insights into the productivity levels of every team member, time taken to complete tasks, and employee performance. Also, it aids in identifying bottlenecks in the workflows. 

In this blog, we will highlight practical ways to manage diverse projects with remote employees by utilizing robust features of employee time-tracking apps for your better understanding. 

What is Employee Tracking Software?

Monitoring the productivity of your remote employees can be difficult when done manually through calls or emails. With the rising shift towards remote work environments, managers are finding it difficult to enhance work efficiency, drive scalability, and achieve overall business success. Hence, it is imperative for businesses to adapt innovative tools to manage remote teams and enhance productivity. 

In addition, TrackOlap employee monitoring software provides insightful data on several parameters in real-time, supporting businesses in making informed decisions and continuously enhancing workflows and other improvements. As a manager, you can observe employees' behavior during working hours, identify areas for improvement in team performance, and ensure the overall business operation thrives. 

Lastly, by tracking employees' activities and work efficiency through a central dashboard, managers can save time from constantly following up with employees and maximize ROI.

What Metrics Does Employee Productivity Tracker Record?

As mentioned above, an employee productivity tracker enables businesses to track team activities, productivity levels, and more. This enables managers to consistently track progress over varied projects, identify inaccuracies in real-time, and make adjustments promptly to avoid delayed submissions or interrupted workflows. Let us explore a range of metrics that this software offers to multiple businesses. 

Time Utilized: Average time spent on per task or project. Remote work management software offers a seamless data breakdown of where your resources spend time. 

Employee’s Idle Time: An employee time tracking app captures the total number of breaks or duration of time off amid working hours to help managers identify unproductive team members

Computer Activity: Tracks website, documents, and applications visited by employees during working hours to determine their active time

Completed Tasks: Based on the overall output delivery, employee tracking solution keeps a record on overall completed tasks to optimize resource allocation strategy for the team

Moreover, employee time-tracking app tends to answer a range of questions with added clarity:

At what time does the team log-in and log-out?

Who are the underperformers and top performers in the team?

What sites is the team viewing, and for how much time?

What resources do we need to acquire project objectives?

Where do we need to focus on to drive better revenue?

You May Also Like: How can Remote Work Management Software Enhance Business Operations? 

Why is there a sudden drop in the remote team’s performance?

The metrics of remote work management software collectively offer visibility to the managers for time management and overall productivity of the team to consistently improve business operations, workflows and other aspects hassle-free. 

Top Reason Why You Need Employee Productivity Tracker

Maintaining productivity is important for every business irrespective of what you do, and what you offer. It can become a complex process if you work with a remote team. Hence, implementing a robust employee productivity tracker is extremely important in today’s fast-paced world. Let us explore a few benefits of this software. 

1. Effective Project Management

Managers can effortlessly manage project schedules and essential assignments through a centralized employee time-tracking app. By accessing historical data on parameters like employee performance, caliber, productivity levels, and more - as a manager, you can schedule tasks or allocate assignments based on the timeframe. 

By constantly tracking their activities, you can immediately capture inaccuracies and find alternative solutions without interrupting the project's scheduled workflow. 

2. Strategic Resource Allocation

Consistently monitoring employees’ productivity levels through remote work management software aids in identifying areas of h igh and low efficiency in the team. This data will support you with planning strategic resource allocation and ensure equal workload distribution.

In addition, centralized dashboards are an additional benefit for managers to access an overview of the entire team’s activities. Whether it is project deadlines, allocating assignments according to employees' expertise, staffing level, or overall team workload capability, an employee productivity tracker can come to your rescue. 

3. Thorough Performance Analysis

Are you looking to re-align your allocation process? Access productivity levels and overall output delivered by your team members in previous weeks or months to determine their performance. Additionally, through graphically-rich reports, you will have a better picture of the overall team’s progress and encourage them to perform better from these analytics to drive better outcomes. 

4. Assess Return on Investment (ROI)

By tracking your team’s productivity levels through employee tracking solutions, you can also analyze the effectiveness of the investment you made in varied tools, resources, and more. Yes, you heard it right! You can evaluate the overall output delivered by your team, their efforts, or work efficiency to understand the profitability of your projects and make better decisions for future endeavors. 

5. Evaluate Workload Balance & Employee Burnouts

If your resource allocation strategy isn't optimized, or if you fail to manage equal workload within your team, your employees may feel burnout very frequently, which can ultimately affect their well-being. 

However, many factors can lead to employee burnout, such as an imbalance in workload for a longer period of time. When you track productivity levels, if you observe uneven results, such as high-performers being unproductive or a sudden drop in overall output delivery, then it is an indication that they are on the edge of experiencing burnout. 

Hence, it is important to set a realistic timeline for every delegated task, track achievable targets promptly, and ensure every employee has a suitable workload that is important for achieving project success. 

6. Track Goals and Achievements

Tackling your employees' efficiency levels aids in setting realistic goals. Regularly measuring progress for these objectives will keep you aligned with minute progress. Additionally, evaluating reports like productivity vs. targets acquired assists in motivating employees to work closely to achieve specific goals and encourages teams to be accountable for certain aspects. 

How to Manage Projects with Employee Tracking Solutions?

TrackOlap provides comprehensive software to manage projects, remote teams, and upscale business profitability with robust features. However, this software goes beyond productivity or time tracking as it offers valuable insights on many parameters that might otherwise go untapped. 

1. Tracks Time Autonomously

It is important to understand your objectives before you implement varied strategies. Based on your objectives, consider integrating a time tracker like TrackOlap to foster accountability and transparency into the workflow and avoid interrupting your employees' privacy. 

Since this software seamlessly tracks computer usage by activities, visited sites, documents, or apps, it helps managers access the active time of every employee. This can be helpful for organizations that have team members from different time zones. Moreover, these features remove the process of back-and-forth follow-ups, manual log-ins, and updating progress on every task. 

2. Setting Productivity Benchmarks

Employee tracking solutions simplify the process of identifying when employees are productive and when they trick the team with time theft. This can help managers address such concerns in real-time and collaborate with employees in 1:1 sessions to boost business growth. 

By encouraging employees to perform better and focusing on activities for employee development, you are likely to set high benchmarks for employee productivity. This approach will encourage team members to perform better and be focused, especially when their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated with a certain level of recognition. Ultimately, all these aspects will lead to better revenue, satisfied clients, and retained employees. 

3. Effective Project Budgeting

Managers can conduct a thorough project cost analysis through data-driven reports based on the employee's performance, productivity levels, and amount of output delivered in previous months. Based on this analysis, businesses can estimate an average feasible timeline to complete a project without causing burnout among team members and an overall budget to ensure you achieve significant profitability with your existing team. 

4. Customized Reporting and Analysis

Whether you want to determine the effectiveness of your resource allocation strategy, workflow efficiency, productivity levels, employee accountability, or team performance - TrackOlap simplifies the evaluation process by offering a robust feature for creating customizable reports based on specific parameters. 

Moreover, a centralized dashboard offers an overview and statistics that give the organizations a clear picture of varied aspects and departments, supporting consistently making informed decisions hassle-free. 

Final Thoughts

In today’s dynamic environment, an employee productivity tracker is valuable for businesses. It not only enhances productivity levels but also offers accurate data on work output and the effectiveness of varied strategies with clear visibility. Moreover, managers can easily manage teams and projects without micromanaging daily, thanks to features like idle time tracking, customized reports, and more metrics. 

Transform your business profitability and change how you manage projects by adopting a time-tracking tool into your system. Contact us to get a quick demo of these features today!


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