Tuesday, January 23, 2024

7 Impactful Strategies To Manage Your Remote Teams With Employee Time Tracker

Over the years many businesses and employees have adapted a remote work environment as it offers flexibility with location and working hours. However, managing a remote team may feel overwhelming as it demands clear communication, optimum allocating resources, a positive team culture, and more. TrackOlap’s employee time tracker can save your time and simplify managing virtual teams with effective features.

Employing strategies that we will discuss in this blog will help managers track the productivity level of each employee, maintain a healthy work environment, and seamlessly measure your remote team’s performance with insightful reports and real-time notifications through the employee real-time tracking app .

Want to know how you can set up your customized method? And if it is possible to plan out an actional strategy to optimize workflow with an employee time tracker? Don’t worry, count on us to find the right solution to your concerns. In this blog, we will discuss a few impactful factors that will serve as a roadmap for you to manage remote teams hassle-free. 

What are some common challenges faced by managers with remote teams?

Various studies state that employees have shown 13% increase in productivity levels due to flexibility in work. However, managing remote teams and bringing efficiency in regular tasks are the areas where managers are constantly hustling to find suitable solutions. 

Lack of human interaction

Remote work involves virtual meetings, hence employees may feel disconnected from the team and company culture. This factor can affect their performance, hence it is important to conduct frequent meetings and install centralized communication platforms to keep your team engaged. 

Dealing with distractions

Remote work provides flexibility with working hours, but employees may find it difficult to deal with distractions especially if they are surrounded with more people at home. This is the reason why managers need to consider adapting a desktop monitoring tool to identify employee’s idle time and bottlenecks, accordingly recommend an ideal solution before it affects the team's work efficiency. 

Tracking employee performance

Since remote teams are located in different areas, maybe in different countries, managers may find it challenging to measure employees' performance. 

TrackOlap’s employee time tracker solves this problem by giving managers an access to monitor employee’s activities, get instant notification on the progress with the task and insightful report to evaluate performance of remote teams. 

7 actionable strategies to effortlessly manage remote teams with an employee time tracker

1. Set realistic goals and expectations 

To make sure your team meets deadlines, it is important for managers to set realistic goals and expectations by keeping each employee’s strengths and weaknesses in mind. Your focus should be on setting an ideal project timeline, and measurable goals, and make sure your team understands the importance and scope of the project. 

Employee real-time tracking app like TrackOlap helps managers to track employees' activities, and idle time to ensure remote teams stay aligned with the project. With insightful reports on the productivity levels of employees managers can re-adjust deadlines, assign resources, and workflow. 

Additionally, with the user-friendly analytic dashboard of the desktop monitoring tool, managers can identify the areas where employees may potentially take more time to complete tasks than expected. 

2. Provide regular feedback and recognition

Regular feedback and recognition can keep your employees motivated and engaged with the project. Desktop monitoring tools track employees' activities and idle time, and most importantly managers can gain insights on the value that an employee brings in. 

Make sure to conduct weekly virtual meetings to discuss project goals and provide constructive, actionable suggestions followed by accurate appreciation. With the graphical analytics on time spent by each employee, managers get easy access to understand productivity level and overall time spent on tasks to identify areas in which employees need more support. 

Based on the gap between expectation and result, consider conducting one-on-one sessions with your employees and determine the topics and areas where your team requires training to upscale their skills. Meanwhile, timely recognition will help other team members as well to perform better and be more accountable. 

3. Communication is key to successful remote work

Maintaining clutter-free communication with your remote team is the golden secret to successful project management and retaining more satisfied employees. Prioritize using reliable communication channels to collaborate with your team and schedule regular meetings to interact with team members. Furthermore, understand their vision, and suggestions with the project to make them feel valued, and to improve workflow that focuses on maximizing revenue and happy clients. 

We know what you are wondering - how can a desktop monitoring tool help in maintaining clear communication? Along with regular meetings, these tools help you easily communicate with the team through centralized computer application. This helps in understanding the progress of each task assigned, and problems your team may face and promotes a collaborative work environment all under one platform.

You May Also Like: How to Manage Multiple Projects With Employee Time Tracking Software? 

4. Create a trustworthy and accountable work culture

When team members aren’t visible, it is important to maintain a work environment that encourages employees to trust fellow team members and stay accountable for their work. The real question arises, how can one build such a culture with an employee time tracker? 

Priority should be on gaining the trust of your employees. Staying transparent on the goals, expectations and encouraging the team to openly communicate, and recognizing personal and team achievements can help you create a positive work environment. 

Often managers find it difficult to track employees' achievements and progress, but to simplify your job employee real-time tracking app provides you with instant notification-specific parameters and insightful reports to analyze bottlenecks and graphs of employee productivity rates. 

Lastly, when employees are being monitored they are more likely to stay accountable for their work. Set milestones to motivate team members, and take suitable actions at the right time to ensure the team stays aligned. 

5. Utilize employee performance data

Make informed decisions, manage resources, and deadlines, and commit to more projects seamlessly by utilizing the performance data of your remote team. Employee productivity tracker offers insightful reports on the work efficiency, and performance of each employee and eliminates estimating the average time spent on completing projects by every team member. 

In addition, managers can set notification parameters, for instance get instantly notified whenever an employee completes their task, or get alerts when employees exceed the limit for idle time than expected. 

TrackOlap’s priority remains on providing customized reports to improve the growth of your business. You can effortlessly analyze different areas like productivity levels, average time required to complete the task, employee performance or maintaining attendance record through an analytic dashboard of employee time tracker. 

Lastly, remember to take feedback from your remote team before you consider making final decisions, as understanding their valuable suggestions can help improve overall decisions. 

6. Master the art of time management with an employee productivity tracker

Irrespective of the productivity level of your remote team in past months, managers cannot risk its efficiency and bottom line results by avoiding tracking employee’s time regularly. Remote team management software allows managers to track activities, idle time spent, and overall work efficiency all under a centralized platform. Here’s how you can manage time for your remote team. 

Set realistic deadlines, yes timelines play a huge role in overall work efficiency. Understanding the team's strengths and loopholes as a manager you must set an ideal deadline that allows employees to work under a stress-free environment. This can occur by breaking down tasks, distributing work rightly, and dedicating specific deadlines to each task. 

As a manager, your knowledge for important tasks should be handy. Prioritize mandatory tasks first, remember you are the captain of the team, so if you do not assign tasks on time, your team will not be able to deliver it on time. Utilize a desktop monitoring tool to track the progress of these essential tasks. 

7. Offer more opportunities

Whether it is remote or on-site employees are bound to associate themselves with the company for a longer time if their caliber and skills are appreciated with the right opportunities. Talking about remote employees, most often they find themselves isolated from the team which makes them less motivated towards work at times. 

To ensure this doesn't happen with your team, encourage them to take up online courses to improve skills, or conduct regular training to make sure every employee finds room to explore, learn, and excel at their job. With analytic reports on employee performance through remote team management software, you can identify issues and support employees in the areas that they can work on. 

Lastly, encourage employees at the end of the week or month to share their learnings with the team which fosters a panel for discussion, and creates a collaborative work environment. 

Embrace remote work with an employee productivity tracker

Remote work environments have become a necessity to many businesses today, hence managers need to adapt effective strategies to seamlessly manage remote teams. Focus on utilizing an employee time tracker to maintain a positive work culture, maintain clear communication, assigning tasks smartly, and offer flexibility to keep team members motivated.

By leveraging the strategies discussed in the blog, and blending them with TrackOlap’s employee real-time tracking app managers can drive more business growth while maintaining discipline in workflow. 

If you want to gain more insights on Live Tracking software, get in touch with us today or ask for a demo!



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