Thursday, September 29, 2022

How Should We Tackle Post-COVID Low Employee Retention?

 It is essential to ensure your leaders and managers know the factors driving the Great Resignation trend to retain great talent. The Great Resignation seems to reflect people transitioning to occupations, that better match their ideals and provide more flexible options, rather than people quitting their positions.

Lack of diversity, equity and inclusion measures, workers feeling disrespected, or unethical activity occurring within the organization are all examples of toxic work environments. Several workers claim that their response to the COVID-19 outbreak caused them to leave their employers.

Your employee retention rate might be increased by offering remote working options or more flexible working hours. According to research, companies that support this choice see a 25% lower rate of employee turnover than those that don't. Employee satisfaction is considerably increased by remote working.

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This model is more sustainable due to the large number of highly skilled workers who, for various reasons, are unable to commit their whole effort to work in an office.

Trackolap’s field employee monitoring app, let managers assign tasks, track productivity, arrange online meetings, and track leaves online with an analytical dashboard to promote flexible work culture.

What does Employee Retention mean in HR?

Employee Retention is the capacity of an organization to retain its staff. With the correct procedures and tactics, you can stop top talents from leaving, regardless of your high or low turnover rate. Paying your employees should be your first step.

What is the Importance of Employee Retention?

All HR and Operations Managers should be focused on retaining their current workforce. Employers must pay many costs when an employee leaves, including the price of hiring, onboarding, and training a replacement.

Money: Your business loses money due to high turnover. According to research, replacing a worker can cost 1.5 to 2 times that person's pay. This process comprises finding new employees, integrating them into the team, assisting them in catching up, and training them.

Loyalty: People will begin to consider leaving themselves as they watch team members go.

Engagement: People departing indicates low employee engagement, which you should address. Other than merely losing customers, this has even more repercussions on your business. It can have an impact on a variety of factors, including productivity, product quality, and employee safety.

Culture: It would be best if you were concerned about how turnover might impact the culture of your business. After all, people are what make up culture.

What are the Best Strategies for Employee Retention?

Employer retention is a growing concern for organizations looking for talent. 16% of Gen Z and Millennial workers have left a job because they thought the technology offered was subpar.

Optimizing The Onboarding Process

Although it's frequently disregarded, onboarding can impact talent retention. Companies collaborating with their staff to develop flexible, individual onboarding strategies experience higher success and provide new hires a sense of security in their roles.

According to recent data on employee retention, 31% of 1,000 workers left their positions fewer than six months after they began work. Onboarding issues and unclear job expectations were two of the reasons highlighted for quitting. 

Companies can leverage Human Resource Software to prepare employees for their new roles; the onboarding process should also provide sound knowledge about the business, its culture, and values. 

Additionally, once workers complete the training phase, the support provided during onboarding shouldn't end. In the long run, new hires can learn and acclimatize more easily if assistance and care are maintained with them over time.

By automating routine tasks like training, tracking absences, and holiday pay, HR software helps you save time. Additionally, it can assist you in streamlining procedures to boost overall performance and work management.

Remote And Hybrid Prospects

Working from home or in a hybrid setting will remain popular after the pandemic. Although these new working arrangements provide employees greater flexibility, there are drawbacks. Employees could feel less involved in the virtual workplace, and managers might feel they have less influence over their staff. 

To overcome these drawbacks, you can use our Employee Monitoring Software. This software examines the applications and websites used or accessed on the employees' computers. It offers in-depth analytical reports on the team member's productivity, 

In nutshell, by enhancing businesses' ability to oversee employees, employee monitoring software makes sure that workers adh ere to best practices for work-related activities, access to confidential company information, and security.

Work-Life Balance

Members of your team may believe they are expected to be always available whether they work remotely, in hybrid mode, or on separate schedules. As a result, the line separating work and personal life may become fuzzier, which may eventually impact employee engagement.

You can overcome these difficulties through planning. You must concentrate on the project's inception, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure to manage it successfully. And the project management tool TrackOlap can automate all of these processes. Thus, helping both organizations and employees to grow. 

Nearly 66% of workers acknowledge that they do not have the necessary work-life balance, and nearly 53% of workers believe that this is necessary for their overall welfare - according to Fingerprint for Success.

Professional Development Opportunities

Re-skilling and up-skilling will be crucial for many firms so that employees may develop alongside the company. Reskilling is beneficial for lowering the cost of hiring new personnel and preparing staff members for positions of greater responsibility within the business.

Employees frequently mention opportunities for learning and growth when asked what they want. Most workers desire to keep growing personally and in terms of their knowledge and abilities. 

Performance Feedback

The yearly performance review is being replaced with more frequent meetings with team members by many businesses. Discuss your employees' short- and long-term professional goals during these one-on-one meetings, and assist them in imagining their futures with the business. 

While it's a wise idea to make commitments you can't meet, brainstorm with a partner about potential future career paths and create a workable plan for reaching your goals.

Trackolap enables managers to identify the accomplishments and capabilities of employees, compare their ratings to those of the employees, and serve as a wonderful platform for candid communication.

Upgrade Employee Wellness Benefits

Use survey data to determine which health and wellness initiatives are essential to your staff to increase their engagement and satisfaction in your organization. Due to the epidemic, there is more of an emphasis on wellness and total health in the workplace, including physical, emotional, and financial wellbeing.

Maintain Open channels of Communication

Many of your staff members might be adjusting to their first remote job and the absence of face-to-face interaction. Make sure they feel a part of the team by using multiple forms of Communication. 

For better Communication, conduct Regular all-staff gatherings and Manager check-ins every week or every two weeks. 

You can accomplish the whole process from arranging online meetings to assigning tasks at different time zones with Sales CRM Software . 

Offer Salary on time

Employee retention isn't always about the money. For instance, some white-collar workers have stated that they would be ready to give up a percentage of their pay in exchange for the ability to continue working from home.

All aspects of an employee's compensation computation, such as wages, deductions, other expenses, net pay, bonuses, and the creation of payslips, are automated using Online Payroll Management systems.

Employee Rewarding Programs

Rewards, which can be both material and intangible, are a method to express your appreciation for the hard work of your staff. Employee Rewarding Programs can lower turnover rates by up to 31%.

Financial compensation like gift cards or bonuses are examples of tangible benefits. These incentives are effective short-term motivators. They take advantage of extrinsic motivation or the tendency for people to perform in reaction to rewards from without.

Company Culture

Company culture is the atmosphere generated in a certain workplace and includes the attitudes, values, and conduct of the business and its personnel. Building a positive company culture improves relations, encourages open dialogue, boosts morale, and increases productivity.

Businesses have found that fostering a workplace learning culture is a highly effective strategy to boost employee morale and keep talent before and after the labor shortage.

Increase Employee Engagement And Reduce Turnover

Retaining employees is crucial to the smooth running of a successful company. As the pandemic has affected many employees, businesses must correctly demonstrate that they value their employees' time and energy.

It would be best if you kept an eye on the following KPIs as part of your employee retention strategy:

● Keep track of unfilled versus filled roles.

● Transfers or promotions are contributors to the typical turnover.

● The average tenure of your employees.

Final Thoughts

In the post-pandemic era, employee engagement is no longer a choice but a critical business strategy to increase your company's appeal to current and potential employees. In difficult circumstances like these, leaders' best thing to do for their staff is to be sympathetic, kind, encouraging, patient, and adaptable.

Employees are more likely to emerge from a crisis stronger and more determined to face upcoming problems if you place them at the core of your business management. To increase employee retention with a healthy work-life balance, get in touch with us today!  


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