Friday, September 23, 2022

How Can Automatic Timesheets Support Your Business Today?

 Wondering whether timesheets are dead or not? Then, the answer is no.

Timesheets are not dead and will never be. Time tracking is essential to record billable hours, create payslips, monitor employees' productivity, etc.

However, manual time tracking solutions like punch clocks and Excel worksheets are dead today. It is not possible for remote and hybrid organizations to manage their team's time using manual methods.

Today, companies need a powerful tracking system app to monitor their globally scattered task forces.

But unfortunately, not many companies still use employee time tracking systems to maintain their timesheets. Most companies are stuck with Excel sheets to maintain their employee's working hours and payrolls.

So, we can say that companies which use manual timesheets are dead or will be short. 

Thus, let’s rephrase the question – is your company dead?

If not, you are fortunate and should immediately start using an automatic timesheet solution to make sure that your business never stops generating high profits.

If you are unsure about using the time tracking app, let’s walk through this post to understand why manual timesheets are the death of your business. 

Why Should You Not Use Manual Timesheets?

Manual timesheets don't fit in the present work environment. Today, companies need a real-time data management system that allows them to access their employee's time tracking information from anywhere and anytime. In addition, the remote work environment has emerged the need for automated time tracking solutions based on different time zones.

Besides the present work culture, manual time tracking has many issues, such as:

Prone to errors

Paper-based timesheets are highly error-prone. These timesheets are manually recorded by managers using paper and pen. And, it is possible that managers can mistakenly write down wrong time details, leading to wrong payroll calculations.

Small human errors can lead to big legal trouble for your organization, especially if you calculate the wrong payroll for your employees. Your employees can sue you if you don’t pay them based on the legal and contractual terms.

Personal biases

Manual timesheets are subject to personal biases. Employees can easily manipulate written time records and show fabricated time tracking data to their superiors.

In addition, with time tracking systems like punch cards, employees can easily mark the attendance of their friends. So, there are many possibilities for manipulating manual timesheets and presenting wrong information to management.

No real-time updates

It is not easy to find real-time updates from a pile of papers and Excel entries. For example, if managers want to know how many employees have taken leave on a particular date, they have to go through the entire month's timesheet data to find a piece of information.

On the contrary, time tracking apps can provide information with just one click. Managers simply have to feed their requirements, and the application will instantly provide results. In fact, the TrackOlap time tracking solution offers insightful reports that managers can use to understand the productivity and time management skills of individual employees.


Timesheets are developed to save time. But unfortunately, recording individual employees' punch-in and out time manually can be a hugely time-consuming task. You might have to appoint one person for just recording and maintaining timesheet records. Now, this is not only time-consuming but also money-consuming for your organization.

Prone to accident

Anything can happen to your paper-based timesheet records. There could be theft, earthquake, viruses or fire that can damage your records.

Plus, making duplicate copies of your timesheet records will only consume physical space in your office or digital space on your computer hard disk. And getting on-premises cloud storage is not feasible for every business organization.

How Can Automatic Timesheets Support Your Business Today?

So, manual timesheets are dead today. However, you cannot argue with the fact that manual timesheet recording is expensive, error-prone and time-consuming.

Therefore, progressive businesses must adopt automatic timesheet recording software to manage their employee databases. Using the software, you can get several benefits, such as:

Better data management

With time tracking software, you don’t have to worry about managing your large amount of data. Most software comes with a cloud storage facility that allows you to store your data on cloud servers. This, in return, helps companies to access their timesheets from anywhere and anytime.

At Trackolap, we allow companies to store their 90 days' data on the cloud server. They don’t have to pay anything extra for this facility. 

Reduce errors

Data entry work is completely eliminated with automatic solutions. The software will automatically record your employee's attendance, leaves and break time when they use the desktop or mobile application version of the software.

Since you are not recording any manual entries, there is no room for errors. You will get accurate data on your individual employees' attendance and leaves. This will facilitate you to calculate the right payroll amount and better analyze productivity.

Save time

Automation is known to save time. With employee tracking software , you are saving time and ensuring that your team's time is well managed.

First of all, there is no need to spend time on time tracking software. The software will automatically collect your employee's data related to their attendance and create comprehensive reports based on their performance.

Besides this, using time tracking software, you can create schedules for your employees and help them better utilize their working hours. This way, you can improve their productivity and drive maximum results from them.

For example, application and website tracking features enable managers to know on which app or website their employees have spent their working hours. This knowledge will tell them whether their team is spending time on productive applications or wasting their time on online activities like shopping, gaming, etc. 

Improve productivity

Automatic timesheets show your individual employees' time details in a graphical manner. In addition, time tracking software can provide real-time reports on individual employees' performance.

This empowers managers to understand which employee has shown more productivity in the given period. You can also figure out your high-performing and low-performing workers.

Further, managers can take insightful actions to improve their employee's productivity. You can understand why your employees' productivity has decreased from the software. So, you can make efforts to improve their productivity. 

Fast and accurate

So, yes, time tracking software has made creating timesheets easy, fast and accurate. In addition, there is no human involved in the time recording process. This means no personal bias or judgment can impact the timesheet data.

The software will use accurate attendance and break data to calculate individual employees' working hours. This will lead to flawless payroll management and productivity analysis.

With fast and accurate timesheets, you can smoothly run your business operations. You can provide a high-quality customer experience and services. Accurate time tracking helps you provide your clients with a precise project completion timeline.

So, Timesheets Are Not Dead!

So, a timesheet is not dead. However, the method of recording and managing timesheets has been completely changed. Automatic tools have made it easy to record, manage and analyze timesheet data.

In addition, innovative tools like TrackOlap have created powerful employee tracking solutions integrated with timesheets, payroll and other business management software. 

So, timesheets are not the only way to check attendance or leave data. It has now become a productivity measurement tool. Companies can now improve their employees' productivity and create a better user experience using the timesheet data.

Now, if you are still using manual timesheets to record your employee's attendance, let’s book a free demo call with us , and our team will be to explain the benefits of automatic timesheets.


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