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Showing posts from February, 2022

How Can TrackOlap Boost your Employer's Brand with Efficient Time Tracking?

Mostly, SaaS companies are so busy boosting their customers' experience that they won't even think about their employee experience. And this is the main reason behind a poor employer's brand in most companies.  But what's the employer's brand ?  Well, an employer's brand means your company's reputation among your employees and potential employees. Today, if you want highly talented people to work for your organization, you have to build a strong employer's brand.  For example, do you know why people today are eager to work for companies like Microsoft, Apple, or IBM? That's because these companies have built a powerful employer's brand. You can check out Microsoft's Instagram page to see how they promote workplace diversity, harmony, and positive company culture through their posts.  Now, these companies are big with large budgets to market their employer's brand strategies, which not every company can afford. And for these small co...

How TrackOlap Can Save your Business Money in 2022

Do you want to save your business money? Of course, you do! In fact, today, everyone wishes to save their hard-earned money after the big blow of the second lockdown. But, before we move forward with the topic, let's clear up one thing, in work from home culture, your traditional money-saving techniques won't work anymore. In this new remote work environment, where time is money, you have to think of a new way to save your business resources. But how? It's not rocket science to save time and money today. With the right remote work technologies, you can easily make your business profitable in no time. And for your further convenience, the TrackOlap team worked tirelessly to produce dynamic time tracking software for all types of businesses. Wanna know how we can save your money? Then, scroll down and read it carefully! Need of Time Tracking Software Today Before we discuss how to execute an excellent time tracking management process using our tools, first understand why you ...