Monday, December 12, 2022

How You Can Build An Effective Remote Workforce Model Using Simple Techniques

There is no doubt that the remote workforce model is here to stay. In fact, with the intervention of the hybrid model, remote work culture is widely expanding its roots.But unfortunately, only 40% of managers have the skills to manage a remote team. Now, that’s a big drawback for companies because remote/hybrid is the new normal workforce model.Now, no need to panic! Because TrackOlap has already developed a dedicated remote team management software for Indian companies.

Our remote workforce management software is designed to handle all the remote work challenges, such as:

● Making remote work easy and simple for employees
● Clearly setting remote work rules
● Building a transparent and responsible work environment
● Filling the remote leadership skill gaps
● Improving work-personal life balance
● Setting accountability
● Seamless communication and more

Remote employee management is challenging. But having the right tool and skill by your side can make it super easy to run a successful remote workforce model in your organization.

This post will help you understand how you can build an effective remote workforce model using simple techniques and employee monitoring software.So, let’s get started.

#1. Set a Clear Remote Work Model

The very first thing that you should do to create a successful remote work model in your company actually creates one. If you don’t set rules and regulations to work in a remote environment, your employee will have no base to work.

They will have no clue what they are expected to do and whom they should report. So, foremost, you should sit down with your whole team and draft a company’s remote work policy.

For this purpose, you can use our policy management solution to map out a comprehensive remote work policy, including:

● Communicate methods and tools
● Remote working hours
● Performance evaluation standards
● Company goals
● Leave and break time, etc.

#2. Establish a Cohesive Work Culture

The way to a successful remote workforce model goes through a healthy remote work culture. You must put extra effort into strengthening a bond between your team members, despite location barriers.

A company’s work culture can make or break your business. According to a Jobvite survey, more than half of job seekers consider a good work culture before applying for a job.

But how can I create a good remote work culture in my workplace?

Simply using TrackOlap employee monitoring software. Our remote employee monitoring dashboard can help in setting positive work culture in many ways, such as:

● Marking attendance. Despite the location or time zones, your entire remote team can punch in/out attendance in real-time. This way, managers can set the same attendance and leave rules for everyone.
● Two-way communication model. Through a centralized dashboard, remote employees can easily communicate with their subordinates and seniors.
● Instant feedback. Managers can provide real-time feedback to remote workers based on accurate data-driven reports. This allows employees to self-improve and become effective team players.

#3. Adopt Flexible Work Approach

Most traditional workforce management methods fail in remote environments because they lack flexibility. To make remote work successful, flexibility is key.

Although a fixed plan is important to manage your workload, still having some room for wiggle in your remote workflow is essential. For this, you need to put some control in your remote employee's hands so they can make a few decisions on their own, like:

● Decide their own working hours
● Manage their daily schedule, etc.

But, won’t this way I’ll lose control over my remote task force?

No, you won’t because our remote employee management software is designed to give flexibility to remote workers without employers losing control.

For instance, using the website/application usage tracker, employers can check which app or website their employees have used and for how long. This knowledge will allow managers to reduce idle time and boost productivity.

Therefore, you should provide some flexibility to your remote team members but keep on monitoring them in the background using advanced employee monitoring technology.

#4. Track the Overall Progress

The remote work model doesn’t allow you to be a helicopter boss. You can’t ask for frequent updates from your employees or micromanage their schedules in a remote work model.

You simply have to give a work schedule to your employees with proper instructions and a timeline to accomplish it. And sit back!

You should only intervene when your employees ask for, or you find your team struggling to meet deadlines. To make work allocation and management simpler, we have also added a task management solution into our remote workforce management software.

This feature allows managers to assign tasks to individual team members set priorities and timelines. It will also provide real-time progress status so managers can ensure that deadlines are being met.

#5. Delegate Task Effectively

Delegating work has always been a challenge for managers. But, for remote managers, it is a mammoth challenge. Lack of physical connection makes it harder for remote team managers to delegate duties to other team members.

Most managers are worried that their team members will not take the task seriously or complete it on time. Thus, they keep on stuffing everything on their own plate, which only overwhelms them in the end.

Once again, employee monitoring software comes to the rescue. Using this solution, managers can make a person accountable for completing a task. Also, they can monitor work progress in real-time and constantly provide feedback.

So, if you are a remote team manager, ensure that your company has a proper remote management system in order.

#6. Keep Communication Clear and Concise

It is essential for remote managers to have a clear communication line with their staff members. Clear communication helps to set deadlines, solve work-related issues, convey managers’ expectations, manage company resources, define work schedules, and more.

Therefore, managers have to map out the whole remote communication policy in the company. Using the policy management software , they can draft a comprehensive communication policy, including:

● Which communication tools are the best fits in your team culture - email, texts, video chats, etc.
● What is an ideal time to reply back to a message?
● How long will a virtual team meeting be conducted?

#7. Build Connections with Your Team

One of the major disadvantages of remote work culture is isolation and depression. Many workers feel disoriented and alone while working remotely. They miss small talks with their team members during lunch break, brainstorming sessions, and get-togethers after work.

Remote work might have made employees more productive, but it has made them anti-social. So, being a remote team leader, you have to make some efforts to bring social harmony back to your team.

Here are a few things that you can try to make your remote team feel connected:

● Constant follow-ups and one-on-one interactions
● Monitor progress reports finding tell signs of low morale and depression
● Give leniency to set their own work schedule
● Provide regional local holidays
● Build transparent work culture to harness trust and harmony among your team members

#8. Reward and Recognition Program

Managers should look for opportunities to celebrate success and milestones achieved by their team members. They should make efforts to recognize the talented people present in their team. This practice will bring two benefits to your remote work culture

● First, it will boost the morale of talented people to motivate them to keep on working hard.
● Second, it might encourage low performers to buck up.

Besides this, reward and recognition help to build a strong employer brand, which is crucial to attract new talented professionals and motivate them to work for you.

#9. Revamp Your Onboarding Process

Since we are on the topic of hiring new employees, it is vital for remote teams to revamp their onboarding process.

To hire competent remote workers, you have to use the latest HR software to make the hiring process simple and easy for your team members. From onboarding to training remote employees, you need to use a comprehensive platform to hire remote employees.

There is no need to look for the best human resource software anywhere else. At TrackOlap, you will also find a powerful HRM platform to hire, manage and train remote workers.

Let’s Build a Successful Remote Work Model!

Building a remote work model is no longer an option for companies. It is a compulsion that they have to fulfill in lieu to grow in this post-pandemic era.

However, it is not that hard to build a successful remote work model—especially today, when the TrackOlap team has already prepared a complete remote employee management toolkit for you.

From employee monitoring to performance reporting, we have all the right tools ready for managers to effectively run remote team operations. So, all you have to do is book a free demo session with us today and learn how to build a successful remote workforce model. 


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