Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Why Should Organizations Need Business Automation in the Agile World?


Business automation at a firm may appear perplexing, challenging to implement, and even unattainable, especially if the company is tiny, a start-up, or has a limited budget. Many business owners are unaware that automation can be a blessing in disguise, saving them a significant amount of money and resources. What's more, automation isn't restricted to a single industry; it can happen anywhere and everywhere, including in the agile world.

Business Process Automation (BPM) is the use of technology to automate processes within an organization. BPM software like TrackOlap automates manual tasks and helps organizations streamline their workflow. It is often used to help companies manage their sales, marketing, customer service, finance, human resources, supply chain management, and manufacturing processes. We are one of the leading business automated solution providers in the industry. 

What is Business Automation?

In layperson's terms, Automation implies having things handled automatically. Automation suggests relieving your employees of repetitive activities in a corporate setting and replacing them with tools and approaches. For example, a corporation can utilize Employee tracking software to track the basic actions that several employees in the office are now performing. This process would eventually save time and the workforce.

The primary advantage of Automation is the ability to define tasks where tools and procedures may outperform human participation. Firms should consider the profit after automating the work rather than the time employees spend doing the work. What is equally vital to note is that non-invasive workflow Automation does not come cheap. On the other hand, production-level Automation may incur additional costs and time commitments.

Many organizations today use Automation for the majority of their jobs. Here are a few examples of firms that have successfully used Process Automation:

Sales department - These departments prioritize incoming requests and store customer information. Businesses have invested in sales Automation software to aid in this process. 

For instance, TrackOlap's field Sales software streamlines field sales activities such as client meetings, task delegation, to-do list creation, work priority setting, reports emailing, etc. It enables businesses to manage their fieldwork operations and enhance client satisfaction efficiently.

Customer service - Companies are using Automation to build chatbots that can answer simple questions without human intervention.

Marketing department - Using CRM lead management technologies, the marketing team can automatically collect data or choose offers from the newsletter. 

Why is Automation critical in an Agile world?

Here are a few reasons we've listed below that will help you understand why business Automation is essential in today's agile world.

Robots can do most of the tasks

Most individuals are terrified of automation as they believe that human labor will be terminated or not employed once the technology is deployed. On the other hand, automation would help get work done faster and allow staff to focus on more vital tasks.

According to a UiPath poll of C-level and senior management leaders in the United States, 83% of executives said their organizations now invest in and employ automation or AI tools, and 78% are very or somewhat likely to spend more on automation to counter the impact of the labor shortage. Approximately 7 out of 10 CEOs intend to expand their investment in Automation tools in 2022 over 2021.

More time for Productive work.

Although automation is a beautiful tool, you cannot automate all activities. People are still left to do creative things that need personal involvement or critical thought. Employees who are overburdened with data-drowning and repetitive tasks may struggle to come up with unique, amazing ideas. Taking at least some of the work to the computer allows the team more excellent leisure and the opportunity to take a more creative approach to their job.

In the case of Salesforce, only 34% of their sales team's time is spent selling items. The team members spend the rest of the day performing more productive tasks, such as creating tough bids. Automated solutions, such as the best sales management software, can also assist the team in compiling the data needed regularly.

Minimal Errors

There is always the chance of human error, which you should not overlook. That is not to suggest that humans exclusively make mistakes, but it is correct that by automating a few things, the odds of errors are significantly decreased. In reality, using a good Automation tool, such as a sales tracking app , reduces the risks of entering wrong sales figures in a sales environment.

More Productivity

Customer service is the first area that suffers due to the repetitive tasks assigned to employees. When discussing company Automation, people should constantly keep customer service in mind. Automation can accomplish various tasks without human participation, such as updating the number of available products, filling orders, and so on. Using a field employee monitoring app, employees can access information quickly and easily share data with each other. This increases collaboration among workers and boosts morale.

According to a UiPath survey, 85% of US corporate executives believe Automation will help companies retain employees and acquire new talent amid The Great Resignation. By delegating repetitive activities to the algorithm, the staff is free to experiment and improve corporate processes.

Cost Effective

The implementation of process Automation results in significant savings for the organization. Employees can save time by providing faster customer service, managing their teams more efficiently, or automatically prioritizing questions. As a result, there is already a short road to verifiable savings in employee workload and, as a result, an increase in company income. 

Any corporate organization, regardless of industry—such as banking, insurance, real estate, agriculture, manufacturing, and others—can use the TrackOlap CMS. You can add numerous routes for receiving customer complaints, complaint stages, and team members. With the help of this software, you can effortlessly scale your business.

What are the Areas of the Agile world where Automation is possible?

Not all jobs can be mechanized; human intervention is and will always be required. Although businesses cannot function without human labor, some procedures can be automated, saving time and money.

Customer Service

As previously noted, customer service is the first to be impacted, and Automation can play a significant role in sales. Automation is widely visible in the first point of interaction between the customer and the brand. A chatbot can deliver all essential information until the person is ready to purchase the service. Bots relieve service departments of answering basic queries, allow employees to address fewer complex problems, and even recommend items or services based on an evaluation. According to Gartner, IT businesses will be able to perform 25% more processes automatically by 2023.

In an agile era, you can use Automation tools to collect client preferences while notifying the company of new inquiries and reminding customers of their needs.

Marketing Department

Whether planning events, social media expansion, or content activities, the marketing department can benefit from the Automation of numerous operations. One of the most crucial marketing jobs is event or employee planning, which various Automation solutions can do. Assigning tasks, shifting them to the right column based on their status, and prioritizing are just a few options that can help you track progress and identify potential project problems. Agile business managers may visibly follow the progression of each task from conception to completion.

Project Management

Agile managers would be able to track project progress with Automation easily. Numerous tools and apps available on the market, such as a field staff tracking software , may help managers keep track of all the essential information about their projects. These tools can also help with daily tasks, including sending reminders to team members, organizing daily catch-ups, preparing performance reviews, and much more. 

Automation in Salesforce

Sales automation facilitates the work of sales teams by streamlining lead management, opportunity tracking, prospect follow-ups, reporting, configuration, pricing, and quoting, among other tasks.

To assist you to improve overall efficiency, a solid sales force automation approach can automate your sales pipeline. Your sales agents will save hours of time each week by cutting down on, or perhaps completely eliminating, the need for manual data entry while tracking sales activity and reporting results.

How does Business Process Automation Software TrackOlap Work?

We transform manual processes into workflows that demand little or no human involvement - from employees’ leave management, and location tracking to automating sales pipeline management with centralized dashboards and reports. 

You can purchase automation software for particular functions (such as marketing) or a CRM with automation features to synchronize business operations across functions, depending on your requirements. 

Companies like TrackOlap provide task automation technologies that don't even need to be coded. These products were created with the needs of business users in mind. It can track each step of a workflow and provide real-time updates on how long it takes to complete a particular task, tracks interactions between a company and its clients and organize client data, analyze trends, and improve communication, using the best lead management software of TrackOlap. 

Wrap Up

When the organization begins to automate its operations, it can encounter several hurdles and difficulties in the early stages. It could be staff resistance or a lack of success. However, it is critical to recognize that any change that occurs takes time for people and systems to absorb.

Alternatively, you should not overlook certain crucial advantages that Automation would provide to nimble businesses, such as economic and cost efficiency. Automation would ultimately save time and money. Furthermore, in the agile era, Automation would contribute to constant improvement. Indeed, the ability to continuously improve processes and maximize return on investment is a factor that always works in favor of an agile firm.


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